John Edwards was never guilty of a crime, just bad Penis Politics

Posted on May 31, 2012


"John Edwards: DICK!"

In France (or anywhere else in Europe) this wouldn’t have been an issue, but somehow in America morality, ethics and growing a conscious seem to slip up with such bad timing.  The only law that was broken was the law between him and his late wife, which he will have to live with forever. Bad penis politics happen all the time, but not everyone gets thrown under the bus.

by Donald W.R. Allen, II – Editor in Chief/The Independent Business News Network

A very wise older community member once told me, “When money and sex hit politics – all bets are off.”  This was the case of the former presidential candidate, father and husband who crossed the line of temptation, sex, lies and money to celebrate a vagina that wasn’t married to him.

If it’s that good, it should be paid – and it was.

John Edwards’ mistress Rielle Hunter was given $9,000 a month in cash for living expenses by his campaign finance chairman in 2008, according to records introduced at the former presidential candidate’s corruption trial.

Fred Baron, the former finance chairman of Edwards’ 2008 campaign, began making regular deposits into Hunter’s checking account in June 2008. I wonder if Mr. Baron was also partaking in romancing Ms. Hunter? It makes plenty of sense and if history repeats itself, I’m sure we can find the story about “the friend who took care of another friends girlfriend and they became lovers.” Sound familiar?

As “over-reported,” Edwards was found not guilty on 1 Count and a mistrial on 5 other counts. What people don’t understand, this was the only logical outcome of the trail. But still I was wondering if someone would call the crew on FOX News New York and tell them the government won’t re-try John Edwards and it makes no sense for them to keep rambling on about nothing. The national news on FOX is embarrassing to all their affiliates, especially Fox 9 News in Minnesota.

To make it perfectly clear, sex and campaign financing are as separate as church and state. Any attempt to collude the two in an effort to charge, convict or jail an individual like John Edwards would never succeed – as shown by the actions of a jury of his peers today.