Minnesota Viking Legend Joey Browner says, it’s about “Our Children”

Posted on July 13, 2010


"Joey Browner - The Joey Browner Foundation"

Minnesota has many professional Black athletes (male and female) who are never seen in the community, let along showing up as a surprise for a young child that has lost his eye in an accident. The saying that, “It takes a village to raise a Child” rings home to former Minnesota Viking Joey Browner, who takes action and try’s to fill the gap whenever he can to make a difference in a child’s life.

By Donald W. R. Allen, II – On Assignment/IBNN NEWS

Minneapolis, MN. (July 13, 2010/IBNN NEWS)…Former Minnesota Viking Joey Browner was once tagged, “The Strongest Hands in the NFL,” has formed a new venture that will soon be known has, “The Strongest Minds working with our Children in our community.”

Browner, who played safety for the Minnesota Vikings, was an outstanding Defensive Player and tackler; Browner was selected to six Pro Bowls, in 1985-1990 while playing with the Minnesota Vikings (1983–1991). He finished his career playing with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers in 1992. Joey Browner is also a 4-time member of the John Madden “All-Madden Team”. Joey also is a five time NFL Hall of Fame Nominee. Joey was the first round draft-pick and 19th overall pick as Safety of the Minnesota Vikings in 1983.

Joey is a Veteran Traveler having gone to China with the NFL players association in 1988 to Germany with the 1989 USO Tour and to Paris to kick off the French Federation of American Football Annual Championship game in 1991.

Joey  organized and created the “Joey Browner Foundation,” who’s motto is “Mind, Body and Heart,” understanding Children are this country’s most valuable resource.  They represent our future.  The challenge society demands that young people receive every educational opportunity as they prepare for their future.

"The Joey Browner Foundation"

The Joey Browner Foundation has been formed to promote recreational/athletic activities with an educational component and volunteerism within the child’s community. Browner, who champions excellence in education for all children said, “Together we must work on bringing the Children of the United States up to speed in reading, writing and arithmetic. Our Asian brothers have math textbooks that are three times smaller than what we use in the United States, but their Children excel in math at an incredible rate. We (United States), must implement learning techniques in our education systems that will ensure all Children K-12 will have the same opportunities in life, or be able to make opportunities on their own, using what they’ve been taught.

The JBF will extend grants and scholarships to any child who can demonstrate the desire to explore their own personal growth and benefits to society as a whole.

By focusing on the positive of society and channeling the inherent energy and enthusiasm of children, leadership will naturally follow.  The camps specifically sponsored by the JBF will have leadership as an integral part of the camp.

Part of the application process will be the willingness to volunteer in the applicant’s community.  If need be, this can be required prior to attendance of the camp. By giving back to their community in a way approved by the JBF, the child will be rewarded with a camp/trip/activity experience.

"Tony Davis, Amir and Joey Browner (l-r)"

One of Joey’s many community outreach missions that he pays for out of his own pocket was a visit to the home of 4th grader Amir Davis, a straight A student at North Park Elementary School in Fridley. On Sunday, July 4th this year, Amir was hurt in a firework accident that left him blind in his left eye.

Amir’s father, Tony – a long time Minnesota Vikings fan, knew that a visit from a Minnesota Viking would raise the spirit of 9-year old Amir.

"Amir, a happy boy being raised by a village."

On Sunday, July 11, 2010 former Minnesota Viking Joey Browner showed up at the home of the Davis’ in Brooklyn Park, Minnesota with a signed football and Joey’s legendary number 47 jersey for 9-year old Amir.

Tony Davis, Amir’s father said, “This is a great honor. We have a professional sports figure in our living room that took his Sunday afternoon to visit my son. We are truly blessed to have Joey in Minnesota. I don’t know if my son will ever see out of his left eye, but today the kindness Joey showed will be in our memories forever.”

Doctors are undecided if Amir will ever be able to see out his left eye, but they remain hopeful.

As for the rest of the Sunday afternoon visit…Joey stayed and visited with the family and had dinner.

“This is what its all about,” says Browner, “Our Children!”

Posted in: Business, Foundation
16 Responses “Minnesota Viking Legend Joey Browner says, it’s about “Our Children”” →
  1. Really terrific post. Theoretically I could write anything like this as well, but taking the time and effort to make a good post is a great deal of effort…but what can I say….I’m a procrastinater. Great read although.

  2. Fanstastic web site I found it on another blog , keep up the good work!

  3. Hello, I don’t usually submit feedback on blogs, as I like to learn only. But I find the article that you’ve written earlier has very insightful data, and I discover it very informational. Anyway, I’m wondering whether or not you’re open for link exchange, as I hope that we will agree on a mutual link alternate agreement. Hope to hear a optimistic reply from you, and have an incredible day!

  4. Nice site and great text.

  5. I have read couple of articles on your blog and can say it was really interesting, thanks for sharing that.

  6. Thanks for the info mate.

  7. Glorious weblog engine blog! Keep it up!

  8. Happiness is good health and a bad memory. Ingrid Bergman (1917-1982)

  9. Charity

  10. Its wonderful here. good study. I have been looked the data for a while. thanks

  11. Man is not a lovable animal. — Edward Abbey

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  16. I had to read your post twice to get the full meaning of it. I enjoy reading what you have to say. It’s too bad that more people do not comprehend the benefits of coaching. Keep up the good work.


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Minnesota Viking Legend Joey Browner says, it’s about “Our Children”

Posted on July 13, 2010


"Joey Browner - The Joey Browner Foundation"

Minnesota has many professional Black athletes (male and female) who are never seen in the community, let along showing up as a surprise for a young child that has lost his eye in an accident. The saying that, “It takes a village to raise a Child” rings home to former Minnesota Viking Joey Browner, who takes action and try’s to fill the gap whenever he can to make a difference in a child’s life.

By Donald W. R. Allen, II – On Assignment/IBNN NEWS

Minneapolis, MN. (July 13, 2010/IBNN NEWS)…Former Minnesota Viking Joey Browner was once tagged, “The Strongest Hands in the NFL,” has formed a new venture that will soon be known has, “The Strongest Minds working with our Children in our community.”

Browner, who played safety for the Minnesota Vikings, was an outstanding Defensive Player and tackler; Browner was selected to six Pro Bowls, in 1985-1990 while playing with the Minnesota Vikings (1983–1991). He finished his career playing with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers in 1992. Joey Browner is also a 4-time member of the John Madden “All-Madden Team”. Joey also is a five time NFL Hall of Fame Nominee. Joey was the first round draft-pick and 19th overall pick as Safety of the Minnesota Vikings in 1983.

Joey is a Veteran Traveler having gone to China with the NFL players association in 1988 to Germany with the 1989 USO Tour and to Paris to kick off the French Federation of American Football Annual Championship game in 1991.

Joey  organized and created the “Joey Browner Foundation,” who’s motto is “Mind, Body and Heart,” understanding Children are this country’s most valuable resource.  They represent our future.  The challenge society demands that young people receive every educational opportunity as they prepare for their future.

"The Joey Browner Foundation"

The Joey Browner Foundation has been formed to promote recreational/athletic activities with an educational component and volunteerism within the child’s community. Browner, who champions excellence in education for all children said, “Together we must work on bringing the Children of the United States up to speed in reading, writing and arithmetic. Our Asian brothers have math textbooks that are three times smaller than what we use in the United States, but their Children excel in math at an incredible rate. We (United States), must implement learning techniques in our education systems that will ensure all Children K-12 will have the same opportunities in life, or be able to make opportunities on their own, using what they’ve been taught.

The JBF will extend grants and scholarships to any child who can demonstrate the desire to explore their own personal growth and benefits to society as a whole.

By focusing on the positive of society and channeling the inherent energy and enthusiasm of children, leadership will naturally follow.  The camps specifically sponsored by the JBF will have leadership as an integral part of the camp.

Part of the application process will be the willingness to volunteer in the applicant’s community.  If need be, this can be required prior to attendance of the camp. By giving back to their community in a way approved by the JBF, the child will be rewarded with a camp/trip/activity experience.

"Tony Davis, Amir and Joey Browner (l-r)"

One of Joey’s many community outreach missions that he pays for out of his own pocket was a visit to the home of 4th grader Amir Davis, a straight A student at North Park Elementary School in Fridley. On Sunday, July 4th this year, Amir was hurt in a firework accident that left him blind in his left eye.

Amir’s father, Tony – a long time Minnesota Vikings fan, knew that a visit from a Minnesota Viking would raise the spirit of 9-year old Amir.

"Amir, a happy boy being raised by a village."

On Sunday, July 11, 2010 former Minnesota Viking Joey Browner showed up at the home of the Davis’ in Brooklyn Park, Minnesota with a signed football and Joey’s legendary number 47 jersey for 9-year old Amir.

Tony Davis, Amir’s father said, “This is a great honor. We have a professional sports figure in our living room that took his Sunday afternoon to visit my son. We are truly blessed to have Joey in Minnesota. I don’t know if my son will ever see out of his left eye, but today the kindness Joey showed will be in our memories forever.”

Doctors are undecided if Amir will ever be able to see out his left eye, but they remain hopeful.

As for the rest of the Sunday afternoon visit…Joey stayed and visited with the family and had dinner.

“This is what its all about,” says Browner, “Our Children!”

Posted in: Business, Foundation
16 Responses “Minnesota Viking Legend Joey Browner says, it’s about “Our Children”” →
  1. Really terrific post. Theoretically I could write anything like this as well, but taking the time and effort to make a good post is a great deal of effort…but what can I say….I’m a procrastinater. Great read although.

  2. Fanstastic web site I found it on another blog , keep up the good work!

  3. Hello, I don’t usually submit feedback on blogs, as I like to learn only. But I find the article that you’ve written earlier has very insightful data, and I discover it very informational. Anyway, I’m wondering whether or not you’re open for link exchange, as I hope that we will agree on a mutual link alternate agreement. Hope to hear a optimistic reply from you, and have an incredible day!

  4. Nice site and great text.

  5. I have read couple of articles on your blog and can say it was really interesting, thanks for sharing that.

  6. Thanks for the info mate.

  7. Glorious weblog engine blog! Keep it up!

  8. Happiness is good health and a bad memory. Ingrid Bergman (1917-1982)

  9. Charity

  10. Its wonderful here. good study. I have been looked the data for a while. thanks

  11. Man is not a lovable animal. — Edward Abbey

  12. I just wanted to comment your blog and say that I really enjoyed reading your blog post here. It was very informative and I also digg the way you write! Keep it up and I’ll be back to read more soon mate

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  14. I accept you plus it definitely likely to help lots of people.

  15. Fantastic. I hope you will not stop posting new articles. I read all your posts. BTW how did you make the little widget on top of your blog ? Thanks.

  16. I had to read your post twice to get the full meaning of it. I enjoy reading what you have to say. It’s too bad that more people do not comprehend the benefits of coaching. Keep up the good work.


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